Saturday, September 5, 2020

Covid 19 and the reopening of Cinemas

 Theaters are finally reopening in Phoenix, AZ, but is it safe to go back during the Covid 19 pandemic?

Well that is a question on a lot of people’s minds, but if the picture taken at Alamo Drafthouse above is any indication do you feel safe with their measures. Keep in mind Alamo has some of the strictest policies in place and do enforce their policies.

My understanding this was taken for a Bill and Ted screening. With that in mind let us look at this picture a little closer. Working in a call center I already see a lot of issues with the above photo. 

The main issue is lack of spacing between people.

I know I want to sit next to my friends and family when I go to the theater, but honestly in the time of Covid 19 friends, families, and strangers should be spaced in a checkerboard pattern. That means even though there are seats in the white only the black seats are available that creates an acceptable social distancing space and automatically solves the seating issues for theaters.

That means I should be less afraid of a person coughing on me from behind me or me sneezing on the person in front of me if the mask is removed for eating or drinking and that happens. Also for larger chains who do not enforce their own rules about masks cough cough cough AMC Theaters it removes some of the liability from them. I saw Tenet today and the couple were making out and didn’t wear the mask the entire film. No one from AMC’s staff came in the entire film to see if people were wearing masks or just a security check like Harkins does In between screenings.

I am not asking us all to live in a plastic suit, but if a chain is going to have rules and not enforce them at all well the word will get out fast. That chain maybe the unsafest place to go to like AMC is now. No checkerboard and no enforcement by employees of masks inside the screen itself.

Harkins at least has an employee come in periodically throughout the screening that can enforce it. Well Alamo has their servers that will enforce it making Alamo the safest theater to go to if you are brave, maybe stupid, or just want some normalcy in life.

The question is if you are going to see a film when should you see the film if theaters with exception of Alamo are not going to do their jobs offering the right protection for their customers?

Indie films maybe you can see them during the weekdays. Blockbusters maybe the third week of release. Non blockbuster major studios maybe the 2nd week. 

I can say for sure I didn’t feel safe at AMC Theaters enough to want to go back. I’m not a Harkins fan. While Alamo will enforce the rules, without Checkerboard at this time just doesn’t feel safe. I braved it once today, but not again for a bit maybe the drive thru.