Sunday, January 1, 2023

The Theatrical Year in Review for 2022

 As 2022 ends, time to sit back and take a look at my theatrical journey as a whole. A year in which I saw 172 films in the theaters. So let us take a look at the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

I had no intention of seeing 172 films in the theater in one year, but I had the AMC A-List membership. The A-List membership gets you 3 tickets a week. I was curious to see if the membership was really worth it. Keep in mind Movie Pass is not available in my area to use yet. So to test this out to the fullest that would mean I’d have to see 159 films in the theater in a calendar year. 

I definitely hit that number, but not every film was seen at the AMC. The Majestic and Harkins was also used for this experiment. As far experience each theater chain has their up and downs. However, AMC is the worst of the three and it’s not even close.

The pros of AMC you get three tickets a week with their membership and a discount towards concession. The cons they truly suck at customer service. Essentially they don’t police the theaters so the people who come here are the most likely to be rude and obnoxious. To make matters worse when you do complain they won’t do anything about it. Example I was at a screening for an action film, the kids clearly didn’t want to be there couldn’t stay in their seats and the people next to me pulled out their cellphones all the time. I complained they said they can’t do anything at that point I was so pissed off I wasn’t going back in anyways because I would’ve screamed at the kids. Point is I should never have been point in that situation. AMC gets a grade of a D. Other thing to keep in mind they are the most likely to sell a ticket way after the screening started. 

Harkins they don’t have the A List option. That said they do have team members that police the theaters. I think that is why Harkins doesn’t look like a ghost town compared to the AMC. Cons for Harkins Indian films have no previews so people show up late all the time walking in front of you pulling out their cellphones flashing  their phones in your face quite annoying. Harkins gets a solid B and once MoviePass comes into place AMC is in trouble.

The Majestic honestly the best of the three chains. Pros the best policing of the theater to give the best theatrical experience and great food selections. Cons don’t have the special screens like IMAX or 3D plus the servers running right in front of you the entire screening. Majestic gets a B+ because I’m most likely get the most immersive experience there.

Now that the pros and cons are out of the way. 159 films you say is there really 159 films worth seeing in the theater in a year or in my case 172. The shirt is answer is no. You are going to see a lot of meh/shoulder shrug films to bad films. A meh/shoulder shrug film is a film that just falls underneath you don’t hate it or like it. A film like that usually gets a grade between 4 to 6 out of 10. Yet with the meh to bad comes the unexpected good to great you may have skipped if you didn’t use one of your three tickets.

So let’s take a look at The Good, The Bad, and Ugly

The Walkouts:

Films that are so bad I just had to walk out part way through for whatever reason. I had three walkouts this year and they were all Indian films. 

Etharkkum Thunindhavan - At 40 minutes and every few moments the film kept breaking into song and dance. I had no clue what I was watching at this point there was no coherent story to follow or purpose to the film. I simply chose to save my mind from the torture. If somebody pisses me off this film may show up in their stockings for Christmas.

Avatara Purusha: Part 1 - 40 minutes in to the film and too many films within the film to really follow. Terrible filmmaking.

Samrat Prithviraj - I love Akshay Kumar the actor. I want to see a face off film with him and Nicholas Cage. That said this is a film for adults, but parents can’t find or afford a babysitter takes kids into these films. The kids are bored out of their minds and start acting up. I had to leave. That would be like my Dad taking me to see a John Wayne film in the theater if he was making films when I was alive. I would have acted as bad as the kids. This falls on the parents. I gave this film a 1/2 star keep in mind this was the AMC experience I was talking about.

The Bad: Films I stayed through, but man I wish I’ve never seen. I’ll keep this to three because you got two ugly films already on the list.

Memory - Director Martin Campbell seems unable to make a good film, but if you have this stellar of a cast put together you should be able to hit at least a 5/10. I honestly wish I suffered from dementia like the main character so I could forget this film. Problem is then I’d rewatch it.

Mack and Rita - I like bodyswap films and films to where the lead character goes through a sudden age change as the concept of the story. This is honestly the worst film of that genre I’ve ever seen. About the only good thing in this film is that you get to see a stunningly gorgeous Diane Keaton. Honestly that is the only reason I didn’t walk out.

Om: The Battle Begins - An Indian action film to where the lead character is the head of a special forces team. There are two types of bad films. This one falls underneath the category of so bad it’s hilariously good. Bollywood films over do the machoism, cgi, and anything to do with anything it’s sometimes like watching a film on steroids and going what the? This film takes the cake and then some. An example the bad guys are about to escape on helicopter and the lead character uses a chain to catch and then twirls it around like he is the Hulk. Don’t get me started on scenes where people clearly die, but somehow are alive later in the film. It’s like watching GI Joe. 

The Good - I’m going to keep this at five films altogether so these are must see films worthy of owning.

Belle - It’s the best animated film since Spider-Man Into the Multiverse. It’s a reimagining of Beauty and the Beast through the world Virtual Reality into where an individual can plug themselves into a world with others and you appear as an Avatar of how you feel on the inside. A magical experience that I can only compare the film on the level of a Satoshi Kon film psychological drama in an animated film. I’d put this on my short list for Best Picture if it was up to me.

JugJugg Jeeyo - An Indian couple living in Canada are on the verge of splitting up after being together for a year. The couple for the sake of family decides to stay together until after his sister’s wedding. It’s a film comedy, drama, and suspense that is simply perfect. As you follow three generations of couples and their issues.

Mishan Impossible - The film isn’t perfect, but damn this filmmaker knows you can make a film for kids and treat the audience like they are adults in the same way Spielberg does. 3 naive dimwitted kids in a small town want to get rich and famous through various methods, until they settle on taking down India’s number 1 criminal. A perfect mixture of action, comedy, drama and suspense.

The Banshees of Inisherin - It won’t be the most popular film of the year with the public, but it is after years of watching film and know critics tastes the only film I can say that is best picture worthy for the snobs. It’s good the film and a wonderful black comedy that had me salvating for more, but if I put this in front of my normal friends they won’t get it.

Jaws in 3D: If an award should be given for best retrospective restoration the people who made the original Jaws worthy of a 3D presentation should be given that award. It’s the first time since I’ve seen Avatar that the 3D work the depth and dimension was like watching a whole new film.

Now that we’ve listed the films it’s time for my best performance of the year

Best Actress Bhumi Pendeker for Badhaai Do- It’s not even close. Bhumi’s performance in Badhaai Do is one of a handful of times I can point to an actor/actress losing themselves in a role and becoming that character. Bhumi has the ability to switch emotions in the blink of an eye. I just hope she comes under the radar of US filmmakers so we can steal her over here.

Best Supporting Actress Angela Bassett for Wakanda Forever - Yeah it’s a comic book film, but Angela is  able to taken you on a journey with her to where you feel every bit of her character’s emotion they are going through. This was actually the hardest category for me to pick because you had multiple worthy performances like Nicole Kidman in The Northman 

Best Actor a tie Idris Elba and Stirling K Brown for 3000 Years of Longing and Honk For Jesus Save Your Soul - I simply cannot pick between these two actors. Both films were fantastic and both actors transform themselves into the characters they are playing and part of the reason these films are so good.

Best Supporting Actor Amitabh Bachchan for Runway 34 - Bachchan is a powerful actor in Bollywood on the level of Eastwood. You throw the right film underneath him with the right script and you have magic. You throw an opposing actor against him who can deliver on the same level then watch out because it takes Bachchan to another level it’s like he doesn’t want to be outdone in a film to where he plays a prosecutor trying to takedown the hero of the film. I left the film in awe of what I experienced most of it was him.

Now let’s go to direction this is the hardest to pick because everything has to be right sets, cinematography, acting, score, and story: We’ll go with three people Park Chan-wook for Decision to Leave underneath Foreign. Martin McDonough for The Banshees of Inisherin underneath English language film. Swaroop RSJ for Mishan Impossible underneath family film.

Best Score: What film does the score take something ok to good to another level? That is easily the score from Fall. A film in the same spot for 90 minutes has no business being this good, but the score for Fall has you on the edge of your seat feeling the anxiety the two climbers stuck up so high like you are about to die with them. Magical is all I can say.

Thoughts on the state of the theatrical experience. Theaters are dying I’d say for at least half of my screenings it was less than 5 people in the theater and for at least 10 to 20 percent I had the screen to myself. The multiplex is dying as we know right in front of our eyes. 

How do we fix this? There is no simple answer, but here are some ideas. Start policing the the theaters to throw people out who can’t be quiet. Bring back the spaced seating concept. You don’t know me don’t pick a seat next to me. When you do that it makes patrons uncomfortable. It would be like I just sit at your table at a restaurant. Make adult only screenings for kids films after a certain time of the day. Don’t allow kids under a certain age into any R Rated film. Be considerate that your kid under the age of 8 probably isn’t ready to be in a theater with adults to watch something on adult situations let alone the patience. Cellphone lockers at theaters.

Closing thoughts 2022 was overall a year in film that I enjoyed, but was a bit bummed out that the FilmBar shutdown in late 2021 meaning I lost my favorite theater in town. I can’t wait for MoviePass in AZ to be ready so I can see any film I want at any theater instead of the improperly ran AMC.

At the time of writing this I still had two films left I hadn’t seen including The Whale. OMG you could hear a pin drop when the movie ended the crowd was in such a state of shock. It’s something I hadn’t experienced in years. It would make my list of great films this year because you couldn’t change a single thing about the film which means Brendon Fraser would be up on my list for best actor, Aronofsky for Director, and Sadie Sink in a close second to Bassett for best supporting actress wow.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Covid 19 and the reopening of Cinemas

 Theaters are finally reopening in Phoenix, AZ, but is it safe to go back during the Covid 19 pandemic?

Well that is a question on a lot of people’s minds, but if the picture taken at Alamo Drafthouse above is any indication do you feel safe with their measures. Keep in mind Alamo has some of the strictest policies in place and do enforce their policies.

My understanding this was taken for a Bill and Ted screening. With that in mind let us look at this picture a little closer. Working in a call center I already see a lot of issues with the above photo. 

The main issue is lack of spacing between people.

I know I want to sit next to my friends and family when I go to the theater, but honestly in the time of Covid 19 friends, families, and strangers should be spaced in a checkerboard pattern. That means even though there are seats in the white only the black seats are available that creates an acceptable social distancing space and automatically solves the seating issues for theaters.

That means I should be less afraid of a person coughing on me from behind me or me sneezing on the person in front of me if the mask is removed for eating or drinking and that happens. Also for larger chains who do not enforce their own rules about masks cough cough cough AMC Theaters it removes some of the liability from them. I saw Tenet today and the couple were making out and didn’t wear the mask the entire film. No one from AMC’s staff came in the entire film to see if people were wearing masks or just a security check like Harkins does In between screenings.

I am not asking us all to live in a plastic suit, but if a chain is going to have rules and not enforce them at all well the word will get out fast. That chain maybe the unsafest place to go to like AMC is now. No checkerboard and no enforcement by employees of masks inside the screen itself.

Harkins at least has an employee come in periodically throughout the screening that can enforce it. Well Alamo has their servers that will enforce it making Alamo the safest theater to go to if you are brave, maybe stupid, or just want some normalcy in life.

The question is if you are going to see a film when should you see the film if theaters with exception of Alamo are not going to do their jobs offering the right protection for their customers?

Indie films maybe you can see them during the weekdays. Blockbusters maybe the third week of release. Non blockbuster major studios maybe the 2nd week. 

I can say for sure I didn’t feel safe at AMC Theaters enough to want to go back. I’m not a Harkins fan. While Alamo will enforce the rules, without Checkerboard at this time just doesn’t feel safe. I braved it once today, but not again for a bit maybe the drive thru.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Space Adventure Cobra 4KUHD BluRay review

Space Adventure Cobra The Movie: The 4KUHD BluRay Review

Discotek Media Release

Based on a Graphic Novel by Buichi Terasawa
Directed by Osamu Dezaki
English translation directed by Carl Macek

Opening Thoughts: I have never seen this movie before and most of Japanese animation pre Akira minus Lupin the 3rd, Gundam, and Ghibli films just don't interest me much. I can't really put my finger on why other than maybe when I got the animation from Japan was much more developed and it is just hard for me to watch from this era and before.

That said Discotek's release caught my eye simply for one reason. The 4KUHD BluRay format has been available for North Americans to use for almost 4 years. Up until Cobra's release in November 2019 no other anime from Japan has received a North American release.

I would think that release would have been Akira, Ghost in the Shell, or even Cowboy Bebop the Movie. So why does a film like Space Adventure Cobra the Movie from 1982 get that honor? I really want to know does the film deserve this honor.

Plot: Jane, a drop dead gorgeous bounty hunter, has captured the head of a notorious criminal. That causes unwanted attention from the people within the town. One of those mysterious strangers, who is cocky, arrogant, and probably thinks with his dick first in her opinion follows her. Jane just doesn't realize the man following her is the most wanted man in the universe. That man has been presumed dead for 2 years. The same man a vast criminal organization known as the Galaxy Pirates are scared of. That man is Cobra with hidden psycho gun for an arm that can makes him a deadly adversary.

The only thing Jane doesn't know is that Crystal Bowie, the leader of the Galaxy Pirates wants her dead. If Jane wants to live she has to put her trustinto a renegade cowboy by the name of Cobra.

Can Cobra help her escape the clutches of Crystal Bowie who looks like the love child of Darth Vader and Destro? Does Cobra have the wit to defeat the Galaxy Pirates? What makes Jane so special that the Pirates want her dead?

Review: Cobra himself is an interesting character that lends himself towards western audiences loving him. The best way to describe him as is the blonde Hans Solo of the universe. Cobra is not a good guy or a bad guy by any means, more of a guy with some morals that is not afraid to take on anyone as long as the end goal fits within his agenda. If that means stalking a hot lady and coming out of retirement to bang her, Cobra will do it.

Cobra's hijinks is what makes this film fun to watch. I wanted to see characters' reactions to him in the film from the moment he introduced himself in the first few minutes of the film. Those reactions are sometimes funny, sad, and even shocking. That there is probably the most enjoyable part of the film and worth the watch alone.

Then there is the opening credits it's as if the film producers want to Maurice Binder of James Bond threw a pile cash at him and said go nuts. Off all the films I have seen, I would put the opening credits in my top five of all time.

As far as the story goes, the film feels like it is three episodes thrown into one. What I mean is simply there are three different acts, in which the purpose of the film changes drastically. In which the first act has the best animation, action, story everything going for it. By the last act the film seems rushed to get it over with and push the narrative to a love conquers all story. It is not bad, but a been there seen that and lost my interest by then because a character I was deeply attached to was gone.

Though the one thing that was constant in the film was how menacing Crystal Bowie of the Galaxy Pirates was. Bowie delivered on all levels  the fear of him, the respect for him, and the hate for him all at the same time. The main question was always how can Cobra stop this indestructible force.

4KUHD BluRay Video Quality: I will be very honest with you, most animation from Japan in this era I think looks like absolute crap. Cobra does not fall in this category. I'll even say Cobra's animation for many parts of the first 2/3rds of the film in most instances is better than Akira.

That is what Discotek's 4K transfer on this 4K BluRay shows. I  don't think I have seen a film in which a 4K release adds a new depth atmosphere as well as shown in this release here. The colors are much more vibrant, which leads to a depth of a background that looks as if the filmmakers had multiple cels spread apart to give the film a 4 dimensional look that seems like I can walk right through my tv screen and be apart of the action.

I want to see this print on the big screen. 10/10 I couldn't ask for much more from Discotek.

Closing Thoughts: Space Adventure Cobra is far from being the best Anime production I have ever seen, but the film deleivers for the most part a fun atmosphere and some of the best animation you will ever lay your eyes on.

Would I rank this film higher than Akira? Yes

However I would not put this film storywise above than Nascica, Wings of Honnemaise, or the Castle of Cagliostro. Animation wise at one time this may have had some of the most gorgeous sequences in the history of animation.

Definitely worth watching gets a solid 7.5/10 from me. The last act is really what drags this film down for me.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tammy and the T-Rex: The Gore Cut Edition

Tammy and the T-Rex: Gore Cut Edition 
released by Vinegar Syndrome 
4KUHD BluRay Review

Directed and Written by Stewart Raffill

Starring: Denise Richards, Paul Walker, Terry Kiser, Ellen Dubin, John Franklin, and Sean Whalen 

Opening Thoughts: A Stewart Raffill film that very few people know about. This is the guy that gave us Ice Pirates and Mac and Me. No wonder why my friend Brian was going nuts over this release. Raffill in the films of his I have seen of his is oblivious to how a regular viewer will see a film. A lot of what the hell moments leaving you wanting to interact with his films like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Can he finally make a film that I take seriously?

One thing is for sure Vinegar Syndrome, a boutique home media label, thinks we all need to experience Tammy and the T-Rex in glorious 4KUHD in which this is their first release in that format. So what the hell is 90 minutes of my life if they think we should see this film.

Plot: Tammy, Denise Richards, is a smoking hot cheerleader that makes it difficult for men to get over her when they break up. Billy, George Pilgrim, is just one of those guys who can't move on. Scaring off every guy that tries to get together with Tammy, but this time a football player by the name of Michael who is now dating Tammy just won't give into Billy's threats.

It leads to a disastrous showdown between Billy and Michael, in which Michael ends up in the care of Dr. Watchenstein, Terry Kiser, and his personal assistant Helga, Ellen Dubin. Who has plans of creating his own Jurassic Park. The only thing is his T-Rex needs a brain. That brain is Michael's.

Waking up in the body of a T-Rex, Michael escapes the lab of Dr. Watchenstein. Now all Michael just has to do is figure out how to get Tammy back and how to get his body back, all while trying to avoid being recaptured by Dr. Watchenstein and without having the town's people kill him in fear.

Can he survive? Can he get his body back? Can he win Tammy's heart back? Can he stop Billy and his gang? I guess you will have to watch for yourself.

Review: As I said in my opening statement with never having seen this film before, Raffill went into the world of what the hell is this film supposed to be. Like Raffill's previous film Mac and Me he seems to want to make a film that profits off the success of a Steven Spielberg film, Jurassic Park. Like Mac and Me, this film is so bad that it is unintentionally funny. That is what I like about Raffill's films.

If you listen to the music in the film, Raffill seems to be detached that grunge music has taken over and fills this movie with hair metal. Then there is the clothing, this film feels like it should have taken place in the mid 80s. I make this judgment based on how much I think the opening sequences feels and looks like a film called River's Edge.

The funniest thing though is watching this film's special effects. There is one sequence in which, it looks like a Barbie riding on the back of the T-Rex. My god it reminded me of the Invisible Jet sequences in the Wonder Woman TV series. What is even worse you don't see the dinosaur move that much in the film from the legs down. So I feel the T-Rex is on a radio flyer being pulled by the crew.

As far as the acting goes, almost everyeve in this film is a character actor and plays how they should to try and make this film work. Denise Richards performance is hysterically funny. If you think Lea Thompson had it bad with making love to a duckie, then Denise's bubbly performance is epic in her interactions with Michael the T-Rex. Tommy Wiseau type epic.

That said, Ellen Dubin gives off the best performance in the film as Helga. Dubin's personality in this film reminds me of modern day performances of Billie Lourd, in Booksmart and the TV Series Scream Queens. I simply just couldn't get enough of her. She really stood out when the rest of the cast felt like they were in an episode of Mayberry.

Video Quality and Special Features: Like other companies who have released films onto 4KUHD BluRay, Vinegar Syndrome put all the special features on a seperate BluRay disc. Slightly annoying having to switch discs just to see the interviews. The big thing is if you want to watch the family friendly version the PG-13 cut is available in the special features.

As far as the video quality goes, for an older film this film had a nice grain without over accentuating the grain cough cough cough Ghostbusters. I feel like this presentation of the film, is how the director intended us to see this film on the big screen.There is one sequence near the end of the film that was distracting almost like a slight motion blur that looks like an authoring issue.

Closing Thoughts: The above picture gives the sheer absurdity of this film at its finest. A strip show for a dinosaur. That is a lot of the time what this film is mostly funny what the hell moments that has me on the ground laughing at the stupidity of what I just saw.

Should this film be experienced at home? Hell yeah, but only with large group of friends. To see the look on their faces is worth it alone. Though how this film should really be watched as is an audience interaction film like The Room at a movie theater. There are moments all throughout this film that I went to shout responses at the screen while the events in this film unfold especially now that the film's gore sequences have been fully restored.

Rating: 2.5/10 stars of you try to take this film seriously because you won't enjoy it.
9.5/10 stars if you just let yourself go, laugh at what is happening in the film, and don't take the film seriously. This film is not meant to be taken seriously at all.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assigned Seating at the Movie Theater good or bad

Opening Thoughts: More and more movie theaters are adopting the assigned seating only option when you purchase a ticket to see a film. At first glance, that seems like a great idea, but is it truly a great idea. Sporting events, concerts, plays, and more have assigned seating so why shouldn't movies be the same way? A family of four can get seats next to each other and you no longer have to wait. Seems cool.

The AMC Experience: Minus Desert Ridge and Esplanade because those are advertised as a Dine-In experience, which I will cover later under Alamo, Roadhouse, and IPic Theaters Experience.

It's fantastic to get an assigned seat in advance to where I think I will get the best viewing experience. That is why I pay more for front row seats for concerts. Yet the reality is, I'm not trying to be as close as I can to the icons in a theater. So each person's idea of the best seat for viewing experience is different.

With stadium seating I like the middle row and middle seat. Usually I get that, but then here is the catch. I'm now stuck with that seat for better or for worse. This is where the pitfalls of assigned seating come in.

There are filmgoers out there who just don't seem to understand some people don't want someone sitting on either side of them they don't know. Now those people who are uncomfortable with that are ok if it is a sold out show or if that was the only space left for a family of four.

Speaking of a sold out show, you could end up sitting next to a couple making out, a person pulling out their phone during a film, people who their seats are assigned and decide to come late to the film sometimes 25 minutes into the screening, or yet worse someone who drowned themselves in cologne, perfume, or body spray. In unassigned seating, I could get up and move to different area no questions asked.

Is all that potential hassle worth buying an assigned seat in advance? I'd say no in my book. I have had to leave an AMC Theater three times this year as a result in the previews I could tell this seat is not going to work for various reasons. Staff is always nice and gives me a stub to see the film at a later time or tries to find me a new seat if there is one I think is acceptable from what is left. Yet I don't think it should come to that.

The Roadhouse, Alamo, IPic Theater, and Dine-In Experience: 

Assigned seating in these theatres falls into a different category for me. Are you really here to watch a film or are you really here to have a nice dinner? One thing is for sure these theatres have more rooms and lend themselves more to a date night or family out for dinner atmosphere. So assigned seating is essential for their type of service and success.

As a result they actually tend to have better customer service in these places, these issues while they happen is not as big, because the staff is watching. The only real inconvenience with these types of theaters is the marathon being ran in front of each row during the film.

Closing Thoughts: A few years back my favorite theater in town, The Film Bar Phoenix, was going to switch to assign seating. The owner Kelly Aubey got talked out of it or just had a Baby Yoda moment of wisdom. I think Kelly made the right decision. The negatives far outweigh the positives unless you are trying to provide that Dine In experience. Those are two totally different type of filmgoers. Unassigned seating sets the tone for a more exciting atmosphere.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Top Home Media Releases in 2019

The Top Home Media Releases of 2019

Initial Thoughts: 2019 was a busy year in Home Media releases onto BluRay and 4KUHD BluRay. There are some stunning restorations that deserve a look at as well as mega boxsets that should be considered. I have broken this down to a few categories that will include Best Overall release for BluRay and 4K, Best Documentary, Best Video Restoration, Best Sound Restoration. As well as notable releases to check out.

Best Sound Restoration of 2019:
Apocalypse Now: The Final Cut

Apocalypse Now is always a great film, but honestly the film has always suffered in the audio category. I have watched multiple versions of this film and in the theater. My biggest issue was always feeling a vibration in my seat and sound after the explosions go off.

Coppola and Lionsgate have gone in and gave us the Cut he wanted along with an in sync audio that matches the action of the film. The video is gorgeous, but doesn't improve much from the BluRay. With the theatrical cut, Redux at nearly 4 hours cut, and this Final Cut along with the documentary Heart of Darkness you can't ask for much more.

Maybe for the 50th we will get the 5 hour workprint version. Disney will probably step in and say no.

I would say this is the best sound restoration since Universal's Dracula BluRay.

Best Video Restoration of 2019:
Der Golem Wie Er In Die Welt Kam

This was the easiest pick of the list. Der Golem had the most to gain from the previous home media restoration. F.W. Murnau always knows who to turn to get the best restoration done. Eureka! released as part of their Masters of Cinema series. The UK equivalent of Criterion.

With 3 scores to choose from and watch. The US Version to watch. A nice video essay Where Are the Jewish Horror Films? by Jon Spira included. A nice bang for your buck release.

This release is region locked and may not play on most US players.

Best Documentary of 2019: 
Severin's All the Colors of Giallo Mega Boxset with the Italian Giallo film All the Colors of the Dark

To be honest this for a long time in 2019 was my overall favorite release. 4 hours of Giallo trailers with Audio Commentary by the Queen of Giallo Kat Ellinger giving a history of these films was fantastic. You throw in a 3 hour Krimi history on top of that. A CD soundtrack of great Giallo songs from greats like Morricone you can't ask for much more unless you preordered Black Friday of 2018 and got Black Gloves to go along with this and the film All the Colors of the Dark with a brand new commentary from Kat Ellinger.

Best Overall 4KUHD Release of 2019:
Suspiria The Ultimate Edition by Koch Entertainment 

This is honestly a Suspiria fans wet dream. In one boxset you got Suspiria 1977 and 2018 on 4K UHD, BluRay, soundtracks for both films, and a grab bag of goodies that leave you on the verge of overdosing from too much I love it. This was the best release overall for 2019.

Best Overall BluRay Release of 2019:
Santa Sangre by Koch Entertainment

Another superb release that gives any Santa Sangre fan just about everything they would beg for in a Santa Sangre release the soundtrack, new interviews with Jodorowsky, and possibly the greatest horror/suspense film ever made in one package. One thing is for sure Koch Entertainment set a new bar with their releases this year that all labels should look at.

Notable Mentions for 2019:

2019 was a great year for obscure and legendary films for restorations. So much so that by not mentioning  a few companies I feel like I did them injustice.

Mention #1: Flicker Alley

Flicker Alley put out alot of great releases this year including The Last Warning and a film relatively unseen since the days of Cinerama The Golden Head a 70mm film that is filled with gorgeous colors and a scenic view of Europe in the 1960s

Mention #2: The Shining 4KUHD release

What can I say when a sequel comes out some companies go back to their back catalog and do a new restoration. The Shining's restoration almost made me vomit in the opening sequence from motion sickness. A vast improvement from the previous release surprisingly video wise.

Mention #3: Arrow's Macabre Visions: The Films of Mario Bava

This is a fantastic boxset from Arrow UK. The only thing is nothing really new since Arrow releases them separately before. You might be disappointed his best Giallo is not in this set Blood and Black Lace. Don't let that stop you if you are a Bava fan and live in the US with the ability to play region B discs. The cost is vastly cheaper than if you bought the region A discs from Kino here.

Mention #4: Second Run's BluRay releases

I think Second Run is not getting the love they deserve. They put out alot of fantastic releases by filmmakers from Europe not as well known to us for various reasons. It's always a solid product with great commentaries, video essays, written essays and more.

Closing Thoughts:

These are a few of my favorite releases from 2019 based on the hard work that went in to puta great product. What were some of your favorite 2019 home media releases?

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avengers: Endgame an Inside Look

Opening Thoughts: You are not going to meet much bigger of a Marvel fan than myself when it comes to comics. Now as far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes well Endgame equals the 22nd film in the series. That means we have had our fair share of great films, soso films, and duds in the bunch. Chances are if your favorite character has had more than one sequel then they have been in a terrible film. All I am hoping for is that the makers of this film can send off of some of the actors with well deserved send offs, but at the same time try avoiding unneeded filler cameos that distract from the plot or taking a certain mix tape too far.

Plot: Half the world's population is gone. Half of the Avengers no longer exist at the snap of Thanos's fingers. The remaining Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nebula, and Rocket Raccoon) each take the loss differently. Iron Man is disturbed  by the loss of Spider-Man and puts the sole blame on Captain America. The two have a lovers' quarrel, honestly they should just really get a hotel room together. Thor goes on a rampage to take out Thanos. Hawkeye becomes a vigilante that will kill everyone evil. Black Widow she wants to redeem Hawkeye's soul. Nebula well she is as cunning as ever. Hulk well he became a softy. Rocket Raccoon seems to have found a new home.

Five years have passed and the world looks like a scene put of Escape From New York. Instead of rebuilding the world seems content with dying. It all becomes a shock when a rat somehow pulls Ant Man out of the time vortex. Ant Man's ability to survive gives Cap an idea of how to save the Universe. The thing is he'll need the help of Tony Stark, who wants nothing to do with the Avengers.

Cap's idea is what if they can go back in time grab the Infinity Stones and snap their fingers to bring everyone back alive. It's a monumental task that will only work if all the surviving Avengers come back together. Will Cap be able to convince Iron Man to comeback? Can the teams collect all the stones? Will something get in their way? What will be the outcome? Watch for yourself to find out.

Review: Jokingly leading into this film all I heard were jokes about it is the longest Avengers film to date. So long that we should all get Depends if we want to make it through the film without defecating on our clothes. I can safely say that I didn't feel the urge to get up once and did not defecate myself. That said 22 films in leading up to what is really the finale of the first era of the original core Avengers left alot of ends to be tied up and can they give us a suitable ending worthy of watching 22 films.

The film started off a little slow for me, but that was to be expected. That said the emotions, the story, and everything leading up to the climatic final battle sequence was spot on. Mini films within the film in which was part The Longest Yard, part Indiana Jones, and part Doctor Who's Curse of the Fatal Death. I had alot of fun watching each team try to complete their mission and return with the stones. Honestly that is the best part of the whole movie. Right there though was where this film started going downhill in various ways. 

The main issue for me was the writers' extreme liberty they took with the original source material. They replaced Warlock with Captain Marvel, hello Warlock is the key good guy in the comic series he is as essential as Thanos is to the storyline. Then honestly they made Captain Marvel so powerful that the writers didn't know how to use her and she honestly became an afterthought you forgot about by the time the final battle sequence is happening. Only to show back up in what I would call bad timing that just takes away from the film. I am not going to say her convenient appearance ruined the film for me, but I will say that appearance in that final battle sequence took alot of the drama and suspense out of the film for me. I honestly think they could have left out both Warlock and Captain Marvel and the film would have been infinitely better. The reason is they are just too damn powerful.

With that in mind, the writers also had one scene in the battle sequence that was so forced in your face and blatantly obvious  I wanted to scream at them. I get it Disney wants to be cute and politically correct. It's the we've got this sequence in which the entire Avengers team is trying to get the Longest Yard for a touchdown. When all else looks like it is going to fail and Spidey looks like he is going to die. All of a sudden comes the line "We've got this!" screamed by every women Avenger who are now all standing  behind Spidey. It was done for laughs and cheers, but honestly unlike Ghostbusters this felt wrong like that is going to happen in a battle sequence with everyone spread so thin.

We then come to the finale of the film after the battle sequence. It's honestly the worst part of this film. The amount of time spent on the aftermath  which the story is already overwith and really just tying up loose strings while the band breaks up and all goes their own way could have been done in one sequence.

Closing Thoughts: Infinity War was a tough act to follow. The reason I am so tough with this review is because Endgame was supposed to be the bookend to a 22 film saga. Yet while I got a satisfactory closure, I just think the film could have been so much more with better script writing and weeding down the aftermath sequence. The final battle sequence is what it is while borderline good to ok the removal of Warlock/Captain Marvel character altogether would have helped this film out immensely. There is nothing wrong with the acting, comedy, and the first two thirds was great. It is just that last act left a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Where do I rank Endgame in the Marvel Cinematic Universe probably around 10 out of 22 films. As far as rating this film maybe it will warm up to me in the future if I fast forward through most of the aftermath sequence. The film is a 7 out of 10. 22 films in the fans deserved better.