Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avengers: Endgame an Inside Look

Opening Thoughts: You are not going to meet much bigger of a Marvel fan than myself when it comes to comics. Now as far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes well Endgame equals the 22nd film in the series. That means we have had our fair share of great films, soso films, and duds in the bunch. Chances are if your favorite character has had more than one sequel then they have been in a terrible film. All I am hoping for is that the makers of this film can send off of some of the actors with well deserved send offs, but at the same time try avoiding unneeded filler cameos that distract from the plot or taking a certain mix tape too far.

Plot: Half the world's population is gone. Half of the Avengers no longer exist at the snap of Thanos's fingers. The remaining Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nebula, and Rocket Raccoon) each take the loss differently. Iron Man is disturbed  by the loss of Spider-Man and puts the sole blame on Captain America. The two have a lovers' quarrel, honestly they should just really get a hotel room together. Thor goes on a rampage to take out Thanos. Hawkeye becomes a vigilante that will kill everyone evil. Black Widow she wants to redeem Hawkeye's soul. Nebula well she is as cunning as ever. Hulk well he became a softy. Rocket Raccoon seems to have found a new home.

Five years have passed and the world looks like a scene put of Escape From New York. Instead of rebuilding the world seems content with dying. It all becomes a shock when a rat somehow pulls Ant Man out of the time vortex. Ant Man's ability to survive gives Cap an idea of how to save the Universe. The thing is he'll need the help of Tony Stark, who wants nothing to do with the Avengers.

Cap's idea is what if they can go back in time grab the Infinity Stones and snap their fingers to bring everyone back alive. It's a monumental task that will only work if all the surviving Avengers come back together. Will Cap be able to convince Iron Man to comeback? Can the teams collect all the stones? Will something get in their way? What will be the outcome? Watch for yourself to find out.

Review: Jokingly leading into this film all I heard were jokes about it is the longest Avengers film to date. So long that we should all get Depends if we want to make it through the film without defecating on our clothes. I can safely say that I didn't feel the urge to get up once and did not defecate myself. That said 22 films in leading up to what is really the finale of the first era of the original core Avengers left alot of ends to be tied up and can they give us a suitable ending worthy of watching 22 films.

The film started off a little slow for me, but that was to be expected. That said the emotions, the story, and everything leading up to the climatic final battle sequence was spot on. Mini films within the film in which was part The Longest Yard, part Indiana Jones, and part Doctor Who's Curse of the Fatal Death. I had alot of fun watching each team try to complete their mission and return with the stones. Honestly that is the best part of the whole movie. Right there though was where this film started going downhill in various ways. 

The main issue for me was the writers' extreme liberty they took with the original source material. They replaced Warlock with Captain Marvel, hello Warlock is the key good guy in the comic series he is as essential as Thanos is to the storyline. Then honestly they made Captain Marvel so powerful that the writers didn't know how to use her and she honestly became an afterthought you forgot about by the time the final battle sequence is happening. Only to show back up in what I would call bad timing that just takes away from the film. I am not going to say her convenient appearance ruined the film for me, but I will say that appearance in that final battle sequence took alot of the drama and suspense out of the film for me. I honestly think they could have left out both Warlock and Captain Marvel and the film would have been infinitely better. The reason is they are just too damn powerful.

With that in mind, the writers also had one scene in the battle sequence that was so forced in your face and blatantly obvious  I wanted to scream at them. I get it Disney wants to be cute and politically correct. It's the we've got this sequence in which the entire Avengers team is trying to get the Longest Yard for a touchdown. When all else looks like it is going to fail and Spidey looks like he is going to die. All of a sudden comes the line "We've got this!" screamed by every women Avenger who are now all standing  behind Spidey. It was done for laughs and cheers, but honestly unlike Ghostbusters this felt wrong like that is going to happen in a battle sequence with everyone spread so thin.

We then come to the finale of the film after the battle sequence. It's honestly the worst part of this film. The amount of time spent on the aftermath  which the story is already overwith and really just tying up loose strings while the band breaks up and all goes their own way could have been done in one sequence.

Closing Thoughts: Infinity War was a tough act to follow. The reason I am so tough with this review is because Endgame was supposed to be the bookend to a 22 film saga. Yet while I got a satisfactory closure, I just think the film could have been so much more with better script writing and weeding down the aftermath sequence. The final battle sequence is what it is while borderline good to ok the removal of Warlock/Captain Marvel character altogether would have helped this film out immensely. There is nothing wrong with the acting, comedy, and the first two thirds was great. It is just that last act left a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Where do I rank Endgame in the Marvel Cinematic Universe probably around 10 out of 22 films. As far as rating this film maybe it will warm up to me in the future if I fast forward through most of the aftermath sequence. The film is a 7 out of 10. 22 films in the fans deserved better.

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