Monday, October 29, 2018

The Modern Film Goer or That Smeghead Sitting Behind Me in the Theater

Since about mid last decade the theater going experience has been getting worse since the rise of multiplexes. So many theaters and not enough employees to monitor the the theaters to make sure everyone can follow a few simple rules.

1. Turn your cellphone on airplane mode by the time the film starts.

2. No talking whatsoever during a film. A quick laugh, scream, or 2 to 3 word comment out of shock is fine

3. No wearing of perfume/cologne products.

This seems like pretty simple rules to follow so everyone can enjoy a film at the theater. Yet people can't seem to follow these rules anymore.

Instead people want to use this as a social gathering with friends and think apart of that includes talking with your friends the entire film. While other people want to throw in your own commentary.

Guess what you are not in your own house. You have to be respectful to those people around who paid to the see film. If you can't be respectful don't expect this theater goer to remain quiet. I will shushh you first. If you don't get that cue, then I'll tell you to shutup or leave the theater.

Why? You might ask because I was taught at a young age by my parents how to act inside a theater and proper protocol.

One of those protocols was don't make an arse of yourself.

Top Ways to Make an Arse of yourself

1. During a sing along/crowd interactive film. Don't get so carried away with your actions to where you make others feel unsafe. Never block the screen because you feel the need to renact a scene in front of everybody.

2. If you can't drink without making an arse of yourself don't come to the theater and drink. If your whole idea is to drink and socialize with friends including talking then maybe the theater isn't the best place to go.

3. Feel the need to be that guy who loves a film so much that they need to do a social commentary and inform the crowd of upcoming scenes. If you can't contain your inner fanboy stay at home and bring your friends to watch the film there.

4. Don't make excuses or threats to people when they ask you to be quiet. If you can't  be quiet then leave. It's  no like you are a two year old at an animated movie. I don't care if you tell me the film is 40 years old it's not my fault if you haven't seen it. I'll still you shut up or leave. Oh and for those weaklings who feel the need to threaten people to come over and make them shut up obviously you should see a psychiatrist.

Simply I pay to see the film on the big screen with no distractions and that is what a theater promises me.

I shouldn't have to say this, but this is how the zombie theater goers ruin the experience for someone at an Art House Theater.

Don't Make an Arse of Yourself!

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