Monday, December 24, 2018

Spotlight Release: Bloody Birthday

Bloody Birthday 
Director: Ed Hunt
Writer: Ed Hunt
Music: Arlon Ober
Cast: Lori Lethen, Billy Jayne, K.C. Martel, Julie Brown, and Susan Strasberg

Opening Thoughts: Certain subjects for films just seem taboo in the minds of the public. Like for some reason you are the most dispicable people in the world if you  take part in the production or choose to watch the end product. Films with killer kids, psycho Santa Claus, and any other thing that is supposed to be family friendly. I swear I hear Gene Siskel screaming at me "Shame on you, Shame on you, Shame on you!" Just for watching this film.

Guess what I don't care. My main concern is whether or not a film with Killer Kids can work as a genre of horror. Honestly, I am scared I met end up watching a film with cute children I just want to smother to death like the rabbits in Night of the Lepus.

I can tell you this I do enjoy the strange, unique, and weird when it comes to films, but knowing next to nothing about this film going in other than concept leaves me very open especially with a cast of nobody in the lead roles.

Plot: Timmy Russell (K.C. Martel of E.T. and Growing Pains) is struggling to fit in school with the his peers amd the teaching staff. To Timmy's teacher, Miss Viola Davis, he is a bad apple and to his peers he doesn't share a common bond with them even though he wants to be their friends.

Yet for Timmy to share a common bond would mean he had to have been born on the same day as Curtis Taylor (Billy Jayne), Debbie Brody (Elizabeth Hoy), and Steven Seton (Andrew Freeman). Those three kids were born on the same day, prematurely, during a solar eclipse.

That seems to give them some strange type of bond to where the kids are connected to each other mentally, psychologically, and spiritually. It's as if they have a power over the town and if you don't fit in or anger them you better watch out.

Timmy wants to be friends with this group, but after multiple attempts he realizes all the kids want to do is take advantage of and play tricks on him and the others in town.

Joyce Russell (Lori Lethen), Timmy's sister, starts to see the strange patterns across town. People dying and cruel tricks. If Tommy and Joyce want ti live they will have to come up with a plan to take these kids down. Who will succeed the Russell's or the Eclipse kids?

Review: To try and describe this film by any means will make you think I am bonkers, ridonkulous,and just a little insane in the brain for even attempting a review. This film is like I took the Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life" and threw ot into the blender with Halloween.

These three kids are simply evil to the core whther it is Debbie charging kids so they can have a peep show of her sister Beverly to having rhe other two kids kill her father. Then there is Curtis the film wants you to believe he is the most evil person in the film willing to kill anyone in a moment's notice.  I so want to believe that he is that evil, but he looks like Alex P. Keaton's friend Skippy from Family Ties. I just can't instead I find myself laughing  at his actions.

Then you have the sequences like the one above to where the kids try to run over Joyce Russell  and while the scene is effective watching kids being serial killers and their methods let's just it looks more cute than terrifying.

All while at the same time the adults in this film mean mext to nothing. They serve little purpose in the film like the Russell's parents don't show up until the end of the film. Some of the other adts even know what is happening, but they choose to look away. The adults are nothing more than puppets. Even Beverly who finds out about the peephole does nothing about the situation to fix it.

All this combined together leads to a film so terrible on an epic level like Plan 9 From Outer Space that the film turns into a comedy that I want to watch over and over again. I shouldn't love this film, but I do.

Closing Thoughts: I am actually going to have to hide this film or lend it out. I could honestly watch the film any day of the week because Blood Birthday had me on the ground laughing. Even  my service dog had to check on me a few times to see if I was alright. I so want to give this film a 10, but I can't for an overall grade it is a 6/10. That is because some people will watch this film and not see the beauty of what the director created a cheesy flick that should been long forgotten, but instead is begging ro be watched with a large group of friends. I'll give this film a 10 on the cheese and campiness level. All I ask is if you choose to watch this film don't take it seriously because if you do that you will not enjoy the film at all.

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