Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What if the 1970s WestWorld Saga was a Trilogy of Films

What if the 1970s WestWorld Saga was a Trilogy of Films?

Warning the film I am about to review is a Hardcore Porn film. Please don't read any further if you have an issue with these types of films. Well you have been warned.

In 1971, a relatively unknown author to most of the world book, The Andromeda Strain, was adapted into a movie and became a box office hit. That author would go onto be one of the most influential authors and screenwriters of the 20th century giving us books like Jurassic Park, TV series like E.R., and films like Coma. Of course, I am speeking about Michael Crichton.

Yet in order to make it in Hollywood, a filmmaker needs to show that he is a more than a  one hit wonder. Studios were knocking on his door, for the follow up to the Andromeda Strain. That persistance of the studios allowed Crichton to negotiate a deal to where he can write his story and direct the story onto film.

That film Crichton gave was Westworld. An amusement park in which adults visited to escape their real world problems and live a fantasy of their dreams. The film and concept was a box office success that led to a sequel and later a TV Series reboot that is airing on tv right now in 4K.

The sequel was Future World another world within the amusement park for adults toive their fantasies.

The film while a modest success, did not generate the revenue the studio was looking for to justify a sequel. Yet let's take a step back for a moment and imagine the film was successful enough to warrant a sequel. What would the follow up film be? What concepts would the film want to explore?

Well in 1978, we may have just been given a film that qualifies to be the 3rd film in the Westworld series.

That film is SexWorld.

SexWorld (1978)
Directed by Anthony Spinelli
Starring: Leslie Bovee, Annette Haven, Sharon Thorpe, Desiree West, Kay Parker, Joey Silvera, and John Leslie

Opening thoughts: Disclaimer I thought reading the synopsis for this film on Vinegar Syndrome that I was buying a raunchy sex comedy from the 1970s like HOTS or The Swinging Cheerleaders. I didn't think I bought a 1970's hardcore porn film. When I opened my order from Diabolikdvd.com, I was flabbergasted that Jesse wrapped this BluRay separately from the others. I shook my head because I realized I just bought a hardcore porn film and in general I find them boring and unworthy of watching. Ok let me get the torture overwith at least the film is going to be a spoof of Westworld so I'll get some comedy out of the one time I watch the film.

Plot: The film opens up with a group of people riding on a bus to SexWorld. All of a sudden a disco like song starts
"SexWorld go on a spree
SexWorld Come here with me
All you desire,We have for hire
 you'll turn to fire, we guarantee
 SexWorld do what you will
 SexWorld you'll have your fill"

Well you get the point it lets you the viewer know you are in for a ride. The song ends a glimpse of everyone on the bus appears as one by one you go down the row and see why some people have chosen to come to SexWorld. Each person has their own problems from being unable to deliver in bed, recently dumped by their lover, or simply desiring an experience they think they want.

SexWorld has two rules
1. You will through an extensive in depth interview be given exactly the sexual experience you ask for
2. At no time can you mingle with other guests of the amusement park or have sexual relations with them.

Does everyone get their desires or do some people leave with regrets?

Review: I was blown away by what I saw on the film. A hardcore porn shot in 35mm that looked like it had the budget of a 1970's Hollywood film. A film that delivered on point to tackle some issues and give us a real story instead of like most porno that I saw.

The sets loom like they were taken directly put of Westworld and the film felt like it took place in the Westworld universe because in the end they were at amusement park interacting with robots and living their fantasies.

What surprised me the most about this film though, was the director Spinelli was willing to tackle certain social/relationship issues. If a person can't deliver sexually should you still be in a relationship? Is your anxiety so high that you are afraid to ask anyone out? What if you want the forbidden fruit that you know you can never have? Does the one night stand  really solve any of these issues or does that increase the desire for more.

I'll admit there were times I was disgusted in this film because sometimes the desires the guests wanted was not what they wanted when the act started happening. I couldn't ask for much more out of this film.

Final Thoughts: This was a fun film that in my mind was unintentionally more exciting and fun to watch than Westworld not that it is better. I give the film a solid 8/10 not perfect by any means, but just has a fun charm to it.

Special Thanks: Brian Haas encouraged me to write this review since I was uncomfortable writing one for this film even though I enjoyed writing this film.

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