Monday, February 25, 2019

Oscars 2019 or The Academy Why so Corrupt?!?!?!?

Oscars 2019 or The Academy Why so Corrupt?!?!?!?!

It has been almost 24 hours since the Oscars has ended. I had time to sleep on the winners, take in the shocks, take in the morning news, and reflect on what I saw. To all the winners congratulations and if your name is brought up it is issues with the current system in place.

The Oscars tends to bring out the worst in my ci ephile friends we can protective of films and actors we love that year. I am no exception. I'll be upfront and honest. Last night it was funny watching Deborah Hildebrandt scream everytime Bohemian Rhapsody won an award. I was preparing myself to how many FBombs might fly with my group of that film won Best Picture. It was the winningest film of the night unfortunately. I think the film should have taken two awards sound mixing and best actor. I am not sure what the voters saw in that film.

I am sure as I write that my mail bag for my birthday and Christmas will be filled with that film im various formats.

That just leads me to questions how does a film get nominated, selected, and win in it's category. Are there improvements to be made? Simply the studios pick who they think should be nominated for each category and then the nomimees eventually get selected from that pool and people from within the industry vote.

So the Oscars biggest problem in our age is that they are controlled by the major studios. It is honestly a corrupt system that leads to holding films back to a certain period for release and allowing the studio to make more money offnofna film the public normally wouldn't see. What happens is simple whether it is intentional or not people get snubbed, nominated for the wrong categories, and the right films don't get the attention.

Let's take a look at a few areas of controversy. The definition of Best Actor or Supporting Actor. When Olivia Colman won last night I was excited for her, but the studio put her in the wrong category. Not Olivia's fault. PS Olivia best speach of the night. Olivia's character was a supporting character in The Favourite. The film centers around Emma Stone's character. Clearly Emma while recognized herself was nominated for the wrong category. Poor Glenn Close sorry girl, but even Olivia knows that award belonged to you. You got snubbed Glenn.

Now to two other categories Best Foriegn Film and Best Animated Feature. Best Animated was created after the controversy that followed Beauty and the Beast's loss and Foriegn Film falls into category of segregation for me to make sure neither style of film wins Best Picture. Yeah in online post I said Roma was not my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean the film was not great because it was I made that clear in my post as well. The film didn't speak to me.

The film that did speak to me was SpiderVerse. Spider Verse was hands down the most groundbreaking film I have seen in almost 20 uears. To give you context I was speechless when I left the theater. The last film to have that effect on me was Dark City.

The two types of films in these categories have never won best picture. It's the hahaha you have your prize go home category because you will never win. Indirectly those categories segregates those films from having a chance. I am not sure if it is time for them to go or not.

What I am sure is the Oscars needs some changes to the system to be more in line with today's world and be more popular with the at home viewing experience.

The necessary changes to the system

1. The selection/nomination process

The Oscars are a global thing and more studios exist besides the big boys. It is time for a vasectomy. Yes a vasectomy.

All nominations should come from approved film critics across the world who work within the industry. After that list has been narrowed down and a committee of film critics narrows down that list of films to an appropriate number. A semi final round will begin of voting with the critics. The top nominations of that semifinal round make the final round.

2. The Final Round Voting Process
This is a 3 way weighted vote
1. Critics their vote counts towards 50 percent of the final votes
2. Industry Workers 25 percent of the weighted vote (Actors, Directors, Producers, and etc.)
3. The public vote
The Academy should take a page from the Rock Hall setup an online vote to where the public can register and vote. Give us the at home viewer a reason to watch the Oscars and a stake in it.

Nobody has seen more than the critics their vote counts the most, but each party has a stake. While at the same time eliminating studio control. I know it's a pipe dream, but its how you find out the true winners.

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