Friday, February 15, 2019

Spotlight Look: Happy Death Day 2U

Happy Death Day 2U

Opening Thoughts: It's no secret I love horror films and Happy Death Day, aka the horror version of Groundhog Day. Plus as a bonus Blumhouse has been knocking horror out of the park. The main cast and crew return so the film should have a certain feel a familiarity to it. The only downside I could see happening with a film like this is an outplayed concept and a PG-13 rating.

Plot: Ryan Phan, that Asian roommate from the first film, wakes up in his Kia and slowly makes his way back to his dorm room. On his way there, Ryan just keeps having the strangest things happen to him. Ryan walks in on Tree and Carter making out and gets kicked out of his dorm. Ryan then makes his way to the lab only to find out the Dean is going to shutdown his experiments. A machine that has the ability to open doors to another dimension.

What can go wrong with a machine like that? Well apparently an alternate universe version of him decides to kill him and close the loophole. Thing is Ryan wakes up the next day and realizes he is having DejaVu and enlists the help of Carter and Tree to stop the madness. Only for Ryan, he doesn't have the smarts to stop the madness in an explosion Tree wakes back up in an alternate universe having to live her Death Day over and over again.

Does Tree live? Can the madness be stopped? What is different in this universe? Can Tree make it back to her own Universe?

Review: Happy Death Day 2U as a sequel has its flaws and successes like any sequel would. Quite honestly I found the first 20 minutes boring and somewhat repetitive of the first film. Then all of the sudden it's like Christopher Landon took the Happy Death Day bible and threw it out the window.

Sure the film is a horror comedy, but you are given the explanation of why the day was repetitive. This time they decided to go all out with science fiction aspect to the film that oddly works. The film in many ways ia funnier than the first film and Tree's crew grows into a rag tag team of Big Bang Theory misfits and I love it.

The big flaw with this film was simple the Babyface killer. It was just boring to repeat the killer and in an alternate dimension I knew who the killers were well before we got to the reveal. So I hope with the next film they go with a new killer and a different day.

Final Thoughts: I will leave you with this I think the deaths are better and the makers of the film were not afraid to go all out this time for a laugh.
The issue with this film was a boring start and lack suspense with the killers with me. I do think there was enough explored in this alternate reality that was new and along with new teammates to make fans of the first movie happy. While the film was more outlandish and funnier than the first film the small flaws hold this film back. I really think from the 20 minute point on this is a superior film to the first one especially with science Fiction added. That said the film gets a 6.5 out of 10 from me while the first film is still a solid 7.5 out of 10 for me.

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