Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Captain Marvel Afterthoughts

Opening Thoughts: Captain Marvel is a film I wanted to see earlier, but to be honest both sides the Brie Larson haters and the unapologetic trolls who wanted to rub in the haters faces hey look what she has done in box office numbers really put a bad taste in my mouth. I almost refused to watch this film because of both sides actions. That said I had no vested interest in seeing the film either way other than some plot elements may affect Avengers Endgame.

That said let me make one thing clear and I will be unapologetic about. Do not jump on the bandwagon in support of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel if you refused to see Ghostbusters (2016) or the new Doctor Who. You are a hypocrite and a pos in my book and you can't have it both ways when it conveniently works for you.

Plot: Vers (Brie Larson) is a Kree desperately wanting to go into battle to prove herself and fight for her people, but her inability to control her anger makes her a liability to her team. So as a result she is still in training with her master Yon-Rogg. Yon refuses to take her on a mission until the great intelligence says she is ready.

That day finally comes in which Yon's team has to infiltrate the Skrull planet and get his agent back. The thing is Skrulls are shape shifting aliens that will fight to the end. The mission as General Ackbar will put It's a Trap. Nothing goes right and Vers finds herself stuck to a machine on a Skrull spaceship. That machine's sole goal is to bring the past out of Vers mind and lead the Skrull to Lawson and her secret weapon.

Vers escapes with limited knowledge about her past, but has to get to planet C53 before the Skrulls invade the planet and take Lawson's weapon for themselves.

Vers finds herself on Earth with no one to trust and being the last line of defense. Will Vers find an ally? Will Vers unlock the secret of the past? Can the Skrull Invasion be stopped? Watch and find out for yourself.

Review: Captain Marvel is alot of things, but one thing is for sure the film is not good and especially not great. The film is what you call a mediocre piece of a bunch of things thrown into a blender by writers hoping the public will just buy it. Not to mention a few actors completely misused who are capable of performances that can leave your jaw on the ground.

Let's just get the cat out of the bag and focus o  Brie Larson as Captain Marvel/Vers/Carol Danvers. I will be honest she is a great actress, but miscast in this film and let down by terrible writing. The film takes place in the mid 90s and once the film got to that point all I could say to myself was why does Captain Marvel have to look like DJ Tanner (Candace Cameron) of Full House. I couldn't buy her as Captain Marvel. Then we get into the writing of her character as a naive, weak most of the film, and mostly uncaring woman terrible. Carol Danvers is like the Wonder Woman of DC Comics. She is supposed to empower women yet they wrote her character so out of character for 90 percent of the film that not even Meryl Streep could have made her likeable to comic fans.

Then let us focus on the real problem of the film trying to tie this film into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sure the last few cameo scenes after credits were fine, but the meat and potatoes of the story is the problem. Hey writers we want you to somehow fit in Captain Marvel so it connects multiple films together to tie up loose ends and questions before Avengers Endgame happens. The thing was I have no questions going into Endgame  before seeing this film. So I am now watching a film that is a cross between Green Lantern and Dragonball Z that somehow is a prequel to Guardians of the Galaxy and I am seeing the main villain of Guardians working with Yon. Where is my element of surprise instead of saying really did we have to go this route?

That is the other issue the villain is mediocre and to be honest to make up for shortfalls we had to Disneyfy this movie making characters seem useless and unimpressive like Nick Fury. This is honestly the worst Marvel film since Doctor Strange.

I don't hate the film, but would never buy it. After multiple homeruns in a row with the MCU we get a strikeout. I rate this film in the 14th place out of 20 Marvel films. The only reason this film is not lower is because those films are real stinkers and this was a nice to see film that gets a 6/10 from me.

That said hats off to Annette Benning for delivering a performance that is the one shiny light on an otherwise completely hot mess of a film.

Closing Thoughts: When it comes to comic films I am the harshest critic you will meet. So you can take my review with a grain of salt. What I will say is this to the writers of MCU films. Get your head out of your butts and stop focusing on how many cameos you can get in film, how many films can we attach this too, and how can we Disneyfy this film for kids. Focus on giving us story that is solely on the hero and make that story about them if another character pops up fine, but don't do it to the point it is distracting.

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