Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Day the Rock Hall Got it Wrong

The Day the Rock Hall Got it Wrong!?!?!

Last week the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame made herstory by making Stevie Nicks the first women to be put in the Hall twice. On the onset to the casual music listener that seems great. Stevie always had a lot going for her with listeners of all genres and outside of music as well.

The one thing Stevie never had going for her was a great solo career made up of prolific great songs that was the stuff of a legend. Instead most of Stevie's solo career success actually relied on her taking Fleetwood Mac songs putting her own touch on them for tours and throwing in one fantastic song "Edge of Seventeen". One great song in her solo career does not equal that she should be in for her solo work.

I am not saying she shouldn't be in the Hall, but she already is in the hall with Fleetwood Mac. Stevie got her recognition already and in a Hall lacking the presence of famous women she took away a more worthy candidate's spot. I am sorry I want the Hall of Legends not the Hall of Good.

Is Stevie Legendary? Yes in a mysterious way that leaves you in awe. A fashion sense that seems like only she can pull off. A spirit that makes you think she is the good witch in Oz. Should she be looked up at? Yes no issues.

I'll be the first person to admit Stevie gets more airtime than most artists do, but  it is mostly Fleetwood. She was recognized for Fleetwood.

By the logic the voters of the Hall used. We might as well throw in bands like Iron Butterfly and Steppenwolf for putting out one phenomenal song. You are not going to throw a sports player in for one phenomenal performance and you shouldn't do that for music either. Now Canton does recognize individual moments and put those moments in the Hall of Fame.

I think this is where Stevie should have been recognized a 2nd time. The Rock Hall placing individual songs that were so influential that it was a moment in time that should be remembered.

Edge of Seventeen is worthy of being in the Hall of Fame as a song by itself just as much as Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild and Iron Butterfly's InDaGaddaDaVida. Yet to recognize the bands themselves for more than that and say they deserve to be talked about in the same breath as  Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and The Doors os ludicrous.

There were alot of women shafted by the Rock Hall with Stevie getting in twice who have not yet been recognized or possibly were better suited to be the first two time women inductee.

Yeah I said it there was at least one women who defied the odds and should have been the first two time inductee who better represented America than Stevie ever could.

Tina Turner should have been the first two time woman inductee into the hall of fame. Tina is currently sharing the spotlight with Ike "Wife Beater" Turner. I'm sorry, but to escape conflict like that just to become broke then get back up on your feet to have a solo career that eclipses your duo career that says alot. Then to become arguably one of the three best women performers of the 80s on her own songs I have nothing, but the upmost respect for her.

If you came to me ten years ago and said Kate Bush should be in the Hall I probably would have laughed at you. Alot of things have happened between then and now. One of those things is that certain sounds of the past have become retro so much to the point that they are being copied today. Kate Bush in the last 10 years has became the most influential artiston female rockers of today. 

Lorde, Sia, Bats For Lashes, Florence and the Machine, and Lady Gaga are heavily influenced by Kate Bush it is about time we recognize her for her amazing career. Kate Bush is the most deserving lady currently not in the Rock Hall.

Ummm Hello!!!!! Houston we have a problem!!!! I'm baffled at how Stevie got in for her solo career before Whitney did. Whitney was a solo artist that for almost 15 years dominated the charts being played on multiple type of music stations. Whitney is a talent yes you may say she is R and B, but somehow she is in alot of people's collections who normally hate R&B. If 2Pac is in then Whitney should be in. Nothing Stevie can ever do whether in Fleetwood or as a solo artist ever measured up to the greatness of Whitney.

Well it is tough to put Siouxsie Sioux in as a solo act, but one thing is for sure she should be in with Siouxsie and the Banshees. Siouxsie love it or hate it is the Queen of Punk Rock and with the Banshees and ability to evolve with each album made a discography as years go by that is getting more noticed. Her influences can be felt through bands like Metric and Garbage. 

Pat Benatar was like no other lady in the 80s. Pat was unafraid to pick up the guitar and play in your face riffs one moment with a song like Hell is for Children and then the next moment deliver an anthem for women of all ages with Love is a Battefield. Unapologetic, rough, and a breath of fresh air she accomplished more in that time span as the female rocker than any other lady did including Joan Jett who is already in. You might not like her style, but you can't say she doesn't deserve to be in.

Rock Hall Voters take your jagged little pill and get over yourselves. Alanis Morrisette is a rock goddess that by far dominated the 90s. Untouchable really is the gap between today's women and the women rocker of the 80s. Stevie's solo career again is nothing on this caliber.

Sinead OConnor the lady who chose to sacrifice everything to make a statement about the social injustices of the world. Oh people remember that SNL incident like it was yesterday. They turned their backs on her only to find out she was right years later. Yet people seem to forget Sinead was that artist who bridged the gap between Pat Benatar and Alanis Morissette. She gave us songs Bout social injustices with a fantastic sound that even made Bono jealous. Yet her career didn't end that night she continued to deliver us fantastic music for years sure she had a few bad albums in there, but her comeback this decade despite her health issues is fantastic.

This is the top of the surface of women who have been shafted by the Hall and got shafted by Stevie's 2nd induction.

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