Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avengers: Endgame an Inside Look

Opening Thoughts: You are not going to meet much bigger of a Marvel fan than myself when it comes to comics. Now as far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes well Endgame equals the 22nd film in the series. That means we have had our fair share of great films, soso films, and duds in the bunch. Chances are if your favorite character has had more than one sequel then they have been in a terrible film. All I am hoping for is that the makers of this film can send off of some of the actors with well deserved send offs, but at the same time try avoiding unneeded filler cameos that distract from the plot or taking a certain mix tape too far.

Plot: Half the world's population is gone. Half of the Avengers no longer exist at the snap of Thanos's fingers. The remaining Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nebula, and Rocket Raccoon) each take the loss differently. Iron Man is disturbed  by the loss of Spider-Man and puts the sole blame on Captain America. The two have a lovers' quarrel, honestly they should just really get a hotel room together. Thor goes on a rampage to take out Thanos. Hawkeye becomes a vigilante that will kill everyone evil. Black Widow she wants to redeem Hawkeye's soul. Nebula well she is as cunning as ever. Hulk well he became a softy. Rocket Raccoon seems to have found a new home.

Five years have passed and the world looks like a scene put of Escape From New York. Instead of rebuilding the world seems content with dying. It all becomes a shock when a rat somehow pulls Ant Man out of the time vortex. Ant Man's ability to survive gives Cap an idea of how to save the Universe. The thing is he'll need the help of Tony Stark, who wants nothing to do with the Avengers.

Cap's idea is what if they can go back in time grab the Infinity Stones and snap their fingers to bring everyone back alive. It's a monumental task that will only work if all the surviving Avengers come back together. Will Cap be able to convince Iron Man to comeback? Can the teams collect all the stones? Will something get in their way? What will be the outcome? Watch for yourself to find out.

Review: Jokingly leading into this film all I heard were jokes about it is the longest Avengers film to date. So long that we should all get Depends if we want to make it through the film without defecating on our clothes. I can safely say that I didn't feel the urge to get up once and did not defecate myself. That said 22 films in leading up to what is really the finale of the first era of the original core Avengers left alot of ends to be tied up and can they give us a suitable ending worthy of watching 22 films.

The film started off a little slow for me, but that was to be expected. That said the emotions, the story, and everything leading up to the climatic final battle sequence was spot on. Mini films within the film in which was part The Longest Yard, part Indiana Jones, and part Doctor Who's Curse of the Fatal Death. I had alot of fun watching each team try to complete their mission and return with the stones. Honestly that is the best part of the whole movie. Right there though was where this film started going downhill in various ways. 

The main issue for me was the writers' extreme liberty they took with the original source material. They replaced Warlock with Captain Marvel, hello Warlock is the key good guy in the comic series he is as essential as Thanos is to the storyline. Then honestly they made Captain Marvel so powerful that the writers didn't know how to use her and she honestly became an afterthought you forgot about by the time the final battle sequence is happening. Only to show back up in what I would call bad timing that just takes away from the film. I am not going to say her convenient appearance ruined the film for me, but I will say that appearance in that final battle sequence took alot of the drama and suspense out of the film for me. I honestly think they could have left out both Warlock and Captain Marvel and the film would have been infinitely better. The reason is they are just too damn powerful.

With that in mind, the writers also had one scene in the battle sequence that was so forced in your face and blatantly obvious  I wanted to scream at them. I get it Disney wants to be cute and politically correct. It's the we've got this sequence in which the entire Avengers team is trying to get the Longest Yard for a touchdown. When all else looks like it is going to fail and Spidey looks like he is going to die. All of a sudden comes the line "We've got this!" screamed by every women Avenger who are now all standing  behind Spidey. It was done for laughs and cheers, but honestly unlike Ghostbusters this felt wrong like that is going to happen in a battle sequence with everyone spread so thin.

We then come to the finale of the film after the battle sequence. It's honestly the worst part of this film. The amount of time spent on the aftermath  which the story is already overwith and really just tying up loose strings while the band breaks up and all goes their own way could have been done in one sequence.

Closing Thoughts: Infinity War was a tough act to follow. The reason I am so tough with this review is because Endgame was supposed to be the bookend to a 22 film saga. Yet while I got a satisfactory closure, I just think the film could have been so much more with better script writing and weeding down the aftermath sequence. The final battle sequence is what it is while borderline good to ok the removal of Warlock/Captain Marvel character altogether would have helped this film out immensely. There is nothing wrong with the acting, comedy, and the first two thirds was great. It is just that last act left a bad aftertaste in my mouth. Where do I rank Endgame in the Marvel Cinematic Universe probably around 10 out of 22 films. As far as rating this film maybe it will warm up to me in the future if I fast forward through most of the aftermath sequence. The film is a 7 out of 10. 22 films in the fans deserved better.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Spotlight Look: In Reality (2018)

In Reality 
Directed by Ann Lupo
Ann Lupo as Ann Lupo
Kimiko Glenn as Lallie
Miles G. Jackson as John

Opening Thoughts: I knew next to nothing about this film going into it other than what I saw in a trailer. The trailer showed scenes of the main character being interviewed, that she wants to tell the story of a past relationship, and at times scenes may go in and out of reality in a fantasy sort of way. The film looked enjoyable. I just hope we don't get another Izzy Gets the F**k Across Town type film.

Plot: Ann Lupo is talking with her friend John. All of a sudden she lets a bombshell out to John that she wants to make a film about their relationship. John becomes dumbfounded not sure what to think one thing is for sure he no longer has a poker face.

A few moments later we see Ann preparing a film for edits and suddenly we are thrown back in time three years. Ann is an film editor for a talent group  she seems to enjoy her job, but at times seems insane in the head. The only that might cure here is to find true love. Love conquers all and lifts us up to where she belongs in her mind.

Unfortunately in the love department she is not doing well except a relationship with a man to which she is nothing more than a F Buddy. Her life is so messed up that she goes in and out of it with visions in her head. It is almost as if different emotions like in Disney's Inside Out take over and screw with her to make her feel certain things she is not supposed to. One thing is for sure Hopelessness the Game Show host wants her to die alone.

The thing is Ann has a wonderful support group around her like her friend Lallie. Lallie is qwirky funny Asian girl who just wants to have fun, possibly a free love relationship with Ann, and loves sleepovers. You know sleepover you might see in Grease. The issue is Ann tests their relationship.

A test in which Ann never meant to test her in. The type of test that happens when a man enters a woman's life and friend gives every detail to her bff. What makes it worse it was an arranged date by a family member. That man is John.

John finds Ann cool and great to hang out with, but the problem is likes Ann just doesn't want to be her boyfriend. Ann believes she can convert John into loving her. The issue is everyone around Ann sees the relationship with John is killing her on the inside. So much so that they may be willing to end their own relationship with her.

Does Ann find true love? Is Ann able to salvage her relationships with her friends? Or does Ann become the crazy old cat lady?

Review: Ann Lupo's telling of her true life story is brave and inspiring. Not the kind of inspiring where we all get a happy ending, but the kind of inspiring that relationships in life all around around are just messy. You might view one thing going one way in life, but you are embarrassed when you misread a situation. I can count on one hand how many films I think get relationships right. On that one hand In Reality is one of those films that just stands out.

One of the clear reasons the film stands out is the dream like sequences you could see in Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or in Baz Luhrmann film. Ann beautifully is able to take the fantasy sequences in her daydreams and is able to make a beautiful Haiku out of those sequences while seemlessly able to combine them with the real world.

Yet the other reason the film stands out is the onscreen chemistry of Kimiko Glenn and Ann Lupo they just seem like they have been bffs for life. They remind me of French and Saunders or Fey and Poehler. Able to deliver comedic moments that seems like only they can. I don't laugh often in film, but these two made me laugh.

Final Thoughts: Director Ann Lupo is making her tour across country screening In Reality. I really think you should watch this film at a screening she will be at. Ann is funny and qwirky in a Mayim Balik or Aubrey Plaza type way. This film is clearly a must own film for me and is my favorite I have seen in 2019 so far. I hope to see more films from Ann Lupo in the future. I will warn you though this film might not be for everyone. I am giving this film a solid 9/10 for a fantastic story, acting in which I don't want to replace a single actor, magical sequences that shows just how fun film can be, and on the on screen chemistry of Lupo and Glenn.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Day the Rock Hall Got it Wrong

The Day the Rock Hall Got it Wrong!?!?!

Last week the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame made herstory by making Stevie Nicks the first women to be put in the Hall twice. On the onset to the casual music listener that seems great. Stevie always had a lot going for her with listeners of all genres and outside of music as well.

The one thing Stevie never had going for her was a great solo career made up of prolific great songs that was the stuff of a legend. Instead most of Stevie's solo career success actually relied on her taking Fleetwood Mac songs putting her own touch on them for tours and throwing in one fantastic song "Edge of Seventeen". One great song in her solo career does not equal that she should be in for her solo work.

I am not saying she shouldn't be in the Hall, but she already is in the hall with Fleetwood Mac. Stevie got her recognition already and in a Hall lacking the presence of famous women she took away a more worthy candidate's spot. I am sorry I want the Hall of Legends not the Hall of Good.

Is Stevie Legendary? Yes in a mysterious way that leaves you in awe. A fashion sense that seems like only she can pull off. A spirit that makes you think she is the good witch in Oz. Should she be looked up at? Yes no issues.

I'll be the first person to admit Stevie gets more airtime than most artists do, but  it is mostly Fleetwood. She was recognized for Fleetwood.

By the logic the voters of the Hall used. We might as well throw in bands like Iron Butterfly and Steppenwolf for putting out one phenomenal song. You are not going to throw a sports player in for one phenomenal performance and you shouldn't do that for music either. Now Canton does recognize individual moments and put those moments in the Hall of Fame.

I think this is where Stevie should have been recognized a 2nd time. The Rock Hall placing individual songs that were so influential that it was a moment in time that should be remembered.

Edge of Seventeen is worthy of being in the Hall of Fame as a song by itself just as much as Steppenwolf's Born to be Wild and Iron Butterfly's InDaGaddaDaVida. Yet to recognize the bands themselves for more than that and say they deserve to be talked about in the same breath as  Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and The Doors os ludicrous.

There were alot of women shafted by the Rock Hall with Stevie getting in twice who have not yet been recognized or possibly were better suited to be the first two time women inductee.

Yeah I said it there was at least one women who defied the odds and should have been the first two time inductee who better represented America than Stevie ever could.

Tina Turner should have been the first two time woman inductee into the hall of fame. Tina is currently sharing the spotlight with Ike "Wife Beater" Turner. I'm sorry, but to escape conflict like that just to become broke then get back up on your feet to have a solo career that eclipses your duo career that says alot. Then to become arguably one of the three best women performers of the 80s on her own songs I have nothing, but the upmost respect for her.

If you came to me ten years ago and said Kate Bush should be in the Hall I probably would have laughed at you. Alot of things have happened between then and now. One of those things is that certain sounds of the past have become retro so much to the point that they are being copied today. Kate Bush in the last 10 years has became the most influential artiston female rockers of today. 

Lorde, Sia, Bats For Lashes, Florence and the Machine, and Lady Gaga are heavily influenced by Kate Bush it is about time we recognize her for her amazing career. Kate Bush is the most deserving lady currently not in the Rock Hall.

Ummm Hello!!!!! Houston we have a problem!!!! I'm baffled at how Stevie got in for her solo career before Whitney did. Whitney was a solo artist that for almost 15 years dominated the charts being played on multiple type of music stations. Whitney is a talent yes you may say she is R and B, but somehow she is in alot of people's collections who normally hate R&B. If 2Pac is in then Whitney should be in. Nothing Stevie can ever do whether in Fleetwood or as a solo artist ever measured up to the greatness of Whitney.

Well it is tough to put Siouxsie Sioux in as a solo act, but one thing is for sure she should be in with Siouxsie and the Banshees. Siouxsie love it or hate it is the Queen of Punk Rock and with the Banshees and ability to evolve with each album made a discography as years go by that is getting more noticed. Her influences can be felt through bands like Metric and Garbage. 

Pat Benatar was like no other lady in the 80s. Pat was unafraid to pick up the guitar and play in your face riffs one moment with a song like Hell is for Children and then the next moment deliver an anthem for women of all ages with Love is a Battefield. Unapologetic, rough, and a breath of fresh air she accomplished more in that time span as the female rocker than any other lady did including Joan Jett who is already in. You might not like her style, but you can't say she doesn't deserve to be in.

Rock Hall Voters take your jagged little pill and get over yourselves. Alanis Morrisette is a rock goddess that by far dominated the 90s. Untouchable really is the gap between today's women and the women rocker of the 80s. Stevie's solo career again is nothing on this caliber.

Sinead OConnor the lady who chose to sacrifice everything to make a statement about the social injustices of the world. Oh people remember that SNL incident like it was yesterday. They turned their backs on her only to find out she was right years later. Yet people seem to forget Sinead was that artist who bridged the gap between Pat Benatar and Alanis Morissette. She gave us songs Bout social injustices with a fantastic sound that even made Bono jealous. Yet her career didn't end that night she continued to deliver us fantastic music for years sure she had a few bad albums in there, but her comeback this decade despite her health issues is fantastic.

This is the top of the surface of women who have been shafted by the Hall and got shafted by Stevie's 2nd induction.