Sunday, April 21, 2019

Spotlight Look: In Reality (2018)

In Reality 
Directed by Ann Lupo
Ann Lupo as Ann Lupo
Kimiko Glenn as Lallie
Miles G. Jackson as John

Opening Thoughts: I knew next to nothing about this film going into it other than what I saw in a trailer. The trailer showed scenes of the main character being interviewed, that she wants to tell the story of a past relationship, and at times scenes may go in and out of reality in a fantasy sort of way. The film looked enjoyable. I just hope we don't get another Izzy Gets the F**k Across Town type film.

Plot: Ann Lupo is talking with her friend John. All of a sudden she lets a bombshell out to John that she wants to make a film about their relationship. John becomes dumbfounded not sure what to think one thing is for sure he no longer has a poker face.

A few moments later we see Ann preparing a film for edits and suddenly we are thrown back in time three years. Ann is an film editor for a talent group  she seems to enjoy her job, but at times seems insane in the head. The only that might cure here is to find true love. Love conquers all and lifts us up to where she belongs in her mind.

Unfortunately in the love department she is not doing well except a relationship with a man to which she is nothing more than a F Buddy. Her life is so messed up that she goes in and out of it with visions in her head. It is almost as if different emotions like in Disney's Inside Out take over and screw with her to make her feel certain things she is not supposed to. One thing is for sure Hopelessness the Game Show host wants her to die alone.

The thing is Ann has a wonderful support group around her like her friend Lallie. Lallie is qwirky funny Asian girl who just wants to have fun, possibly a free love relationship with Ann, and loves sleepovers. You know sleepover you might see in Grease. The issue is Ann tests their relationship.

A test in which Ann never meant to test her in. The type of test that happens when a man enters a woman's life and friend gives every detail to her bff. What makes it worse it was an arranged date by a family member. That man is John.

John finds Ann cool and great to hang out with, but the problem is likes Ann just doesn't want to be her boyfriend. Ann believes she can convert John into loving her. The issue is everyone around Ann sees the relationship with John is killing her on the inside. So much so that they may be willing to end their own relationship with her.

Does Ann find true love? Is Ann able to salvage her relationships with her friends? Or does Ann become the crazy old cat lady?

Review: Ann Lupo's telling of her true life story is brave and inspiring. Not the kind of inspiring where we all get a happy ending, but the kind of inspiring that relationships in life all around around are just messy. You might view one thing going one way in life, but you are embarrassed when you misread a situation. I can count on one hand how many films I think get relationships right. On that one hand In Reality is one of those films that just stands out.

One of the clear reasons the film stands out is the dream like sequences you could see in Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or in Baz Luhrmann film. Ann beautifully is able to take the fantasy sequences in her daydreams and is able to make a beautiful Haiku out of those sequences while seemlessly able to combine them with the real world.

Yet the other reason the film stands out is the onscreen chemistry of Kimiko Glenn and Ann Lupo they just seem like they have been bffs for life. They remind me of French and Saunders or Fey and Poehler. Able to deliver comedic moments that seems like only they can. I don't laugh often in film, but these two made me laugh.

Final Thoughts: Director Ann Lupo is making her tour across country screening In Reality. I really think you should watch this film at a screening she will be at. Ann is funny and qwirky in a Mayim Balik or Aubrey Plaza type way. This film is clearly a must own film for me and is my favorite I have seen in 2019 so far. I hope to see more films from Ann Lupo in the future. I will warn you though this film might not be for everyone. I am giving this film a solid 9/10 for a fantastic story, acting in which I don't want to replace a single actor, magical sequences that shows just how fun film can be, and on the on screen chemistry of Lupo and Glenn.

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